Most students choose to come for a 8-10 week fellowship during the summer. However, the duration of the fellowship is flexible depending on the student and host organisation/company's schedules. Here is the general process:
Student will send CV and cover letter to info@padi-internship.com or apply online.
Interview and discussions with candidates and padi on the specific program, including areas of study/interest, goals and objectives.
padi will try to match the candidate with a recommended company or organisation.
Candidates interview with host organization and fine tune project objectives and responsibilities.
Final selection and Scope of Work drafting and review
Fellowship preparation: students are responsible for travel arrangements, travel insurance, financials, and academic or other arrangements with their university.
Fellows apply for a socio-cultural visa at the nearest Indonesian Embassy. Visas are valid for 60 days but can be extended for up to 6 months. padi provides assistance and guidance on visa arrangements.
padi arranges airport pick-up and transport
padi Fellows must all participate in an inter-cultural orientation upon arrival in Indonesia
Start fellowship
Exit presentation - this is an opportunity for the fellow to share the work he/she completed during their stay in Indonesia with the padi team. They can reflect on their project(s), their stay in Indonesia, and provide feedback for both padi and the host organisation or company.
Fellowship is completed.
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, and final decision for volunteer placement is at the discretion of the host organisation/company. If a student is applying for a grant or academic credit from their university, they are responsible for observing external deadlines.